Monday, January 9, 2012

A year in the rear view mirror

Now that we are nine days into the new year, I am gearing up to head back to SDSU tomorrow and excited to start my second semester! 2011. Wow, what an AMAZING year! Full of accomplishments, personal growth, and finding my direction in life.  Here are a few big moments in my timeline of 2011: 

January: Full force in HS girls basketball
February: Got my stole and tassel for HS graduation
March: Sent in my State FFA Officer Application
April: Elected as the 2011-12 State FFA Treasurer 
May: Graduated from HHS 
June: attended trainings for state office
July: FFA camp
August: Went college shopping and got ready to head off to SDSU
September: South Dakota State Fair and first month of college. 
October: National Convention
November: Full force in chapter visits
December: Ending of first semester and Christmas break. 

What an impactful year! This year I learned what it truly means to be happy and to know yourself.  With everything I do, I try to find the good and positive in it.  

Here's to a wonderful 2012 full of optimism and positivety!  Living, Laughing, and Loving. I'll let you all know of my adventures this year! 


Friday, December 23, 2011

Making a habit..

If it isn't obvious enough, I have not kept up with my blog.  But, I am making it a habit of mine to update at least once a week! I have crated new tabs to categorize a little more and hope you enjoy!

I have recently started pinning on and I love it! So, a lot of what you will find on here will come from my boards on pinterest.



Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bucket List

Time sure flies when you are having fun! So I was inspired by a few of my fiends to create a bucket list with a deadline! Here it is! 

Starting on: July 23, 2011
To be completed by: April 19, 2014


1) Buy a pair of TOMS Shoes
2) Create a vision board
3) Go camping for a weekend
4) Go ziplining
5) Not log into facebook for a whole week!
6) Teach my dog a new trick
7) Travel to China
8) Register to vote
9) Snow ski down a black run
10) Stay under 135 lbs
11) Build a snowman
12) Complete a coloring book
13) Carve my name on a tree
14) Make ice cream from scratch
15) Invest in the stock market
16) Get my American FFA Degree
17) Learn how to golf
18) See 10 classic movies I've never seen
19) Go fishing
20) Create a budget and stick to it
21) Carve a pumpkin
22) Make a handmade gift for a friend.
23) Write my name in the sand
24) have more than 700 songs on my ipod
25) Effectively use the Franklin Covey System
26) Read "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
27) Give flowers to someone
28) Get an A in a class
29) Buy the perfect little black dress
30) Bake cupcakes
31) Paint every nail a different color and leave them be for a week.
32) See a movie in 3D
33) Do a random act of kindness for a stranger
34) Make a list of my 50 most favorite quotes
35) Not drink coffee and pop for one week
36) Get a passport
37) Get a pedicure
38) Get an internship
39) Not break my cell phone
40) Have an amazing State Officer year!
41) Create a photobook
42) Give a speech
43) Get a puppy
44) Grow my hair out
45) Plant a garden
46) Take a family portrait
47) Make a wish on a shooting star
48) Watch a drive-in movie
49) Surprise someone with an unexpected gift
50) Make bread from scratch
51) Eliminate all clothing that does not currently fit
52) Read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
53) Go ice-skating
54) Make a homemade pizza
55) Visit a winery
56) Make a new friend.
57) edit a picture
58) have a mud fight
59) Eat at 10 new restaurants
60) Volunteer for a charity
61) Make a birthday cake for someone
62) Catch a snowflake on my tongue
63) Buy a charm bracelet
64) Learn how to parallel park
65) Take a roadtrip with friends
66) Watch the sunrise
67) Change my signature
68) Learn proper parliamentary procedure
69) become a better speller
70) Whiten my teeth
71) go to a Tim McGraw Concert
72) Get an A+ on a paper
73) Buy an iPad
74) Get a new hair style
75) Dance in the rain
76) become a more positive person
77) try every flavor of SDSU ice cream
78) Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"
79) Buy a lottery ticket
80) Buy Apples to Apples
81) Ride a horse
82) Learn all presidents in order
83) Go horseback riding
84) Quit using "like" as a verbal filler
85) Take a photo of the same place every month for year and then turn it into a calendar for the next year
86) Visit an old teacher
87) Paint my face for a sporting event
88) Sleep in a treehouse
89) learn how to play pool
90) go to a college football game
91) Write an article for a newspaper
92) Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
93) Attend the midnight premiere of a movie
94) Go ice skating
95) Go rockclimbing
96) Eat no sweets for a week
97) Build a blanket fort
98) Make homemade lemonade
99) Walk through a corn maze
100) Use reusable shopping bags
101) Like the people who inspired me to write this list, donate $1 to Heifer International for every task not completed


--Just and ordinary girl with extraordinary dreams--

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

...and when you dream, dream big!

So, I know it has been awhile...and I have a lot of exciting news and memories to share! 

Well, lets just start off big--MY DREAM CAME TRUE! 

FFA has been a huge part of my high school years.  It has taught me so many valuable life lessons.  I never really had a "set" ag teacher (I had 3 within 4 years of HS), so the people who really impacted my FFA career were State Officers, and it has always been my dream to become one of those people.  So, without hesitation, I ran for an office.

The first day there, I was scared out of my pants (or, skirt, I guess)! I had to interview in front of a panel of 7 people on the Nomination Committee, and these people were basically about to determine my future.  They asked life-related and life-experience questions, and to be completely honest, I don't remember a whole lot about what they asked, but I do remember a few answers that I gave.  With every question, I learned more and more about myself, what I have accomplished, and what I aspire to be.  Every time I came out of that room I felt better about myself.  

The last round, I laid my heart out before the nom com, and although I cannot remember what I all said in there, I touched all of their hearts, and even made one of the guys cry! 

Now going through all of this was tough, but there was one lady, "Mom" who was right there beside us the entire time.  She was someone to rely on, to talk to, to vent to, and to just make everything fun! She truly is an amazing individual! 

I also had my best friends right there beside me, and they all knew I was going through and they were a helping hand through the entire thing.  Thanks so much! 

Tuesday morning came, and I had literally been awake for 30 hours with little sleep the last three days.  But this had no effect on me, because either one way or another, the next year of my life was going to change.  Throughout the final session, I sat by and cried with one of my new best friends that had also been running.  She is also another truly amazing individual :) 

When it came time to announce the new State Officers my heart was pounding and tears were flowing. Everything was so intense and heart-racing.  Throughout the session, people had come up to us, thanking us, congratulating us, everything.  Then the nom com came up to us.  Getting a hug from every one of them was something I have never felt before, and it is just to hard to describe.  

Then we lined up, swayed back and forth, and then they announced us.  First, they announced Conner and I was soooo happy he had gotten a position! Then Olivia! again, I was excited! *Deep Breath* "your new 2011-2012 South Dakota FFA State Treasure, from the Hoven FFA Chapter, Megan DeRouchey" Ohhh my goodness! And I am off to the stage with my fellow teammates! Then Amanda, then Jamie, then Paul! We were the new State Officers! Words cannot even describe how I was feeling! 

After we were announced we were sworn in.  I had received so many hugs and congratulations! It was amazing! The one I remember most was getting congratulated by the very first SO that I had met, and one also from my best friend, Chelsey, who had been a SO two years prior.  

Then we attended a banquet with our families, fellow officers, past state officers, FFA staff, and the Nomination Committee.  After the banquet, we went strait into orientation, where we planned out our first couple of months, got to know everyone, and just let it sink in.  We got sized for our "association" jackets, talked about our upcoming year, and just really let everything settle...that feeling was great!   

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Starting off

As senior year is coming to a close, I find myself reminiscing these last twelve school years of my life. The good, the bad, and everything in between.  I am starting this blog to express my emotions, actions, events, and everything else you can about imagine! I am hoping with this blog I can let out everthing that is happening in my life and it will help put everything into a bigger picture. 

I named my header, Fearless, and that is something I hope to be these next few months.  To be completely honest, I am completely scare of what is to come these next six months--graduating, college, being on my own, maintaining strong relationships with my friends and family.  Life is going to be one big roller coaster, but I cannot wait to see what it brings me! 

I would like to tell you a little about me...

  • I am a young and ambitious girl  
  • If I don't get coffee in the morning, I can almost guarantee it is going to be a bad day
  • I am a small town girl
  • I have an absolutely wonderful family
  • I have a great boyfriend <3 
  • I have no idea how I am going to survive college without my dog there
  • I will be attendeding South Dakota State University next fall majoring in Ag Business (but who knows, my mind changes like the wind so we will see how that turns out) 
  • Some day I hope to own a successful business 
  • I love the color pink! 
Anything else you would like to know, just ask! 
Thanks for taking the time to get to know a little about me! 

Next week there could possibly be a huge life changing event for me, but I will blog about that in a later post. 

One more thing I am going to try and do is at the end of every post add in a little inspirational message.  Hope you enjoy! 

"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand." 
- Irish Blessing